2024 IFTA Educational Forum

IFTA Educational Forum!

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2025 IFTA Educational Forum Registration Page

Registration Deadline for Non-Funded IFTA travelers April 1, 2025.

Registration Event Form – 2025 IFTA Educational Forum


(Limited Availability)


* Registration Fees (Check One)
Board Member, Funded Traveler, Approved Sponsor or IFTA Team (Funded by IFTA)
Member Jurisdiction Representative (Non-Funded)
IFTA Subscriber
General Public and Industry
Sponsorship Packages AvailableContact IFTA, Inc.
1. Do you have food allergies or restrictions?
2. Please identify any food allergies/restrictions here:

3. OPTIONAL DAY: Monday, June 2. Are you Attending?
4. I have read and acknowledge the Code of Conduct
5. I have read and acknowledge the IFTA, Inc. Covid-19 Policy
6. All funded travelers, I have read and acknowledge the IFTA, Inc. Travel Policy and IFTA, Inc. Airline Policy.
7. I confirm I have read and agree to the payment and refund information.
8. Select one of the following for Major Area of Study.
9. Select one of the following that best describes you.
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Title:
* Organization:
* Mailing Address:
Mailing Address 2:
* City
* State/Province:
* ZIP/Postal Code:
* Telephone:
Telephone Extension:
Cell Number:
* Email Address:
Optional Email Address for persons registering other attendees.