Biodiesel Information Details

2025 Biodiesel Information


West Virginia
Year of Report:
1) Jurisdiction provides either a refund or an exemption, impose a tax rate different than diesel, or offer an incentive (i.e. producers' or income tax credit):
2) Jurisdiction offers a refund for tax paid on biodiesel for IFTA carriers:
Effective date of the legislation:
Brief description of the legislation:
3) Jurisdiction offers a biodiesel tax exemption for IFTA carriers:
Effective date of the legislation:
Brief description of the legislation:
4) Jurisdiction imposes a tax on biodiesel at a rate different than the tax imposed on diesel:
Effective date of the biodiesel tax rate:
5) Instructions for the IFTA licensees based in your jurisdiction to report biodiesel use on the IFTA return. :
6) Biodiesel incentive such as a producer's credit or an income tax credit:
Effective date of the legislation:
Type of biodiesel incentive is offered: