Alternative Fuels Committee

Alternative Fuels Committee


"The AFC is established by the IFTA, Inc. Bylaws Article VI, Section 10, and codified within the IFTA Articles of Agreement pursuant to Article R1810.200. The purpose of the AFC is to provide specific guidance to member administrators on matters related to alternative fuels as defined in IFTA Articles of Agreement Article R239. The authority and purpose include making recommendations to the IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees on matters related to alternative fuels, assisting with the research and drafting of ballot proposals related to alternative fuels, and completing other duties and responsibilities assigned to it by the IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees."

Elisa Amezcua - Chair

CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration

Debra Teague - Vice-Chair

NM Taxation and Revenue Department

Committee Members

Matthew Andrechik

Pennsylvania Department of Revenue

David Bauer


Latia Benbow

FL Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Bridgette Bruce

SC Department of Motor Vehicles

Kevin Budd

AB Treasury Board and Finance, Tax and Revenue

Veronica Castorena

Michigan Department of Treasury

Michelle Fassbender

JJ Keller

Matthew Giannini

CA Department of Tax and Fee Administration

Kris Hill

ON Ministry of Finance

Gabriel Kwabia

NC Department of Revenue Excise Tax Division

Charles Ledig


Allen Molina

OR Department of Transportation

Tiana Schwandt

Minnesota Department of Public Safety


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